5. Garchomp
What do you get when you cross a
European dragon and a hammerhead shark? You may just get a Pokemon
known as Garchomp.
Garchomp is the final form of Gible
after evolving from a Gabite at level 48. It has both Dragon and
Ground attributes and a lot of power to go with it. Although it can't
actually learn Fly it can actually fly as seen in the anime, It's
Poke'dex entry also confirms this.

Garchomp was also the main battling
Pokemon of Cynthia, the champion of the Sinnoh region.
4. Lucario
Lucario is a fighting/steel Pokemon
that has the unique ability to use an internal energy called aura
(aura being one of the types of energies believed by some to flow
throughout the body). Lucario can use this energy to unleash some
powerful attacks such as Force Palm and Aura Sphere.
Lucario's attack and special attack are
almost even allowing him to easily use both kinds of attacks in
battle. This was the reason mine knew two fighting type attacks, one
physical and one special allowing me to target the opposing Pokemons
weaker defensive stat in battle.
Lucario has resistance to most Pokemon
types and no times 4 weaknesses, allowing him to be useful in most
battle situations.
3. Dragonite
Dragonite and it's prevolutions were
the first dragon type Pokemon in the series and have been around
since the first generation (Red/Blue/Green (Japan only)/Yellow). One
could only obtain a Dragonite either by trade or by training a
Dratini then Dragonair to a high level before it evolves into
Despite it's appearance, Dragonite is
actually quite fast and agile. Losing it's serpent like form after
evolving it has grown arms and legs.
Dragonite is a very strong Pokemon with
no fear of Ground type attacks. Rock and Dragon type attacks will do
double damage to Dragonite, but the biggest threat comes from Ice
type attacks. Dragonite is my favorite of the Dragon type Pokemon.
Dragonite was also the main battling
Pokemon of Lance, the champion of the Kanto region.
2. Gyarados
Gyarados is a powerhouse with powerful
attacks to go with it. Although it wasn't until Generation 4
(Pearl/Diamond/Platinum) when Gyarados was truly able to use it's
power, do to the change on how physical and special attacks worked.
When I got Pokemon Platinum, as soon as
I could get a Magikarp I began training it to evolve. Once I got it
to evolve into Gyarados and learn a few good moves I was ready to
take out anyone who stood in my way. She soon became my most powerful
Pokemon able to defeat the most powerful of opponents on her own,
even members of the Elite Four.
Gyarados has many strengths, resistant
to a lot of types and unaffected by ground attacks. Only two types
can stand a chance against this Pokemon, although rock type attacks
do double damage against it they are not a huge threat since rock
Pokemon usually have low speed allowing Gyarados to hit it with a
powerful water attack first likely knocking it out in one hit.
Electric Pokemon however can be a scare, with there usual high speed
they may get to strike first and do times 4 damage, so watch out for
electric types even if you have earthquake you may not get a chance
to use it.
Gyarados is by far the scariest Pokemon
on this list.
1. Pichu
Introduced in Generation 2
(Gold/Silver/Crystal), Pichu is a baby Pokemon that evolves into
Pikachu when it levels up with high happiness.

Pichu isn't known for battle and isn't
of much use in the video games, so your probably wondering why I
chose it as my favorite Pokemon. Well I just love it for it's design
and it's playful personality.
And there you have my top five favorite
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