I've done this for good reasons.
First off, even though I liked using sprites to make my comics due to them being easy to use, they where very limited to what they could actually do. I've tried to make my own sprites but I'm not that much of an artist. I can't seem to focus enough (Probably do to my ADD). I've even tried to learn how to draw normal pictures but that failed for the same reasons.
You would think I would turn back to using sprites but no. The work I really wanted to do, the stories I wanted to tell were just to much for the work of sprites.
You may think I would be out of luck then, but there is one thing that's able to keep my attention long enough to actually make something and even allows me to take breaks (even long ones) and come back to pick up where I left off. I couldn't do that with the others.
What I'm going to be doing is create sprite inspired vector art using Anime Studio. Even though it's a vector animation program I really like it. I'm able to freely move points around so for me it's much easier to create with it.
Now this doesn't mean I'm going to be making animations. I'm thinking about using this to make some comics as well as some animations. I know Flash can do more but that is way too expensive. I suggest this if your just going to start out and you don't really know if it's going to take off. They have a Debut Version,
And a Pro Version,
I recommend starting with the Debut version.
So in all, I'm going to reach a higher goal than I could with the sprites. And even though I'm not an expert at drawing I'm going to make my new work seem like they were inspired by sprites (I think). This means the other things I was doing are probably going to be scrapped and it's going to take some time to create what I need. So be patient for new Vector art comics and in the mean time enjoy the old sprite comics, their not going anywhere.
And check back for future updates as I talk about what I'm currently working on and more as I will be showing off more stuff as it's created.
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